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Addicted2Adventure (A2A)

Enter for the last 25km Adventure Race in 2020 (2021 diary to be launched soon)!

Adventure Racing is a fun concept of combining the following sport disciplines: mountain biking, running/trekking, kayaking (we provide the stable 2-seater kayaks & paddles) and navigation. In this shorter version of adventure racing, you only need to be able to read a Google Map to orienteer yourself from point to point.

Distances: Approx. 17 km cycling, 6 km running/trekking and 1 - 2km of kayaking

Kinetic Events and Addicted2Adventure.co.za has joined hands when it comes to the organisation of the 25km Adventure Races in South Africa which has been organised by the former for many years. Beginners, more advanced athletes and the hard core racers out there are all welcome!

Who's joining us?

Posted on Nov 06, 2020

25km Adventure Race by A2A

Adventure Racing is a fun concept
Posted on Nov 06, 2020